Freitag, 23. Januar 2009

New blog

We are now posting news of our journey to our new blog:

But no problem I will continue to check here for your postcard enquiries! ;)

Send me a postcard, yes please! Ansichtskarten schicken - ja, bitte!

Everyone who wants to get a picture postcard from Columbia, Ecuador or Peru - please comment on this post, leave your name and address and I will send you a postcard!

Jeder der eine Karte von Kolumbien, Ecuador oder Peru haben will soll hier einen Kommentar verfassen, Name und Adresse hinterlassen, ich werde euch dann eine Karte dorthin schicken!

Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2009

First Day in Bogota

I will make this short because there would be too much to tell in a single post. At first things went smoothly until I arrived in Barcelona: The seniora from Air Avianca told me that I cannot fly to Bogota because I have no return ticket and she would not accept my return ticket from Lima to Madrid.

Ok, this sucks I thought. Would be a kind of a "wasted" day in Barcelona and one day less being in South America. But after I ran from one end to another for 3 or 4 times I finally decided to skip the 20 metre long queue of people and ask the lady at the bording gate directly if she could help me. And she did. They have blanco tickets!! She took one of these, wrote my name on it (plus the seat) and then life was good, again. :)

In the airplane there was also a very friendly neighbour who talked to me for a while in Spanish and who recommended me some places in Cali! Perfect. :-)

15 hours later the plane landed in Bogota. After another hour I was in the taxi to the hostel Platypus. And there I finally met Philipp.

And now I will close this blog, because we decided to open a new one with a better name suited for the two of us:

Dos graciosos! ;-)

Montag, 19. Januar 2009

Take Off

In 2,5 hours I'll fly to Colombia. :)

Also thanks to Leito (is that right? or is "Leonardo" better?) for all your advice! I'll call you when I arrive in Bogotá. I'm so excited...


Now I've reached Vienna. Ruth and Dafti provided internet access, orange juice, a comfortable ready-to-sleep bed AND contact lens fluid for me on Sunday night, 1 a.m. - muchas gracias! :-)

Our hotel is booked thanks to Philipp. Jörg recommended exactly the same hotel for us. So we've made a good choice (or Philipp made a good choice). Originally I wanted to stay at the Aragon, but this week the whole hotel is crowded with businessmen from Japan. ;)

Now I have to go to bed. Need to get up early at 6:30 a.m.!

AND: Many thanks to Tania, Jörg, Gaby and Tom for all your valuable advice, contacts, etc.!

Note to Pete & Monica: We'll call you. ;) Looking forward...

Now I need some sleep!

Sonntag, 18. Januar 2009

Last Day in Graz

I'm leaving Graz in about 2 hours or so. I've managed to put everything into tho backpacks - a big one (60 litres) and a small one. :)

Yesterday there was a nice Free Spirit gig (AKA Graham, the punk poet) at the "libertad" in Graz. After this gig I visited Kiri, Anna and Sulzi and they gave me a present for Philipp.

Two days before I invited some people to drink onto my upcoming trip - I booked for 10 people, but 20-30 people showed up. Somehow we managed to take over one non-reserved table after another. It was very very nice - thanks to all of you who showed up and thanks to all who wanted to be there but didn't manage to (or have been there on the wrong day, Tom!). ;)

Oh, and a quick note to Britta: Today I was so busy, I couldn't wash the dishes (now it's still 3 vs. 3) BUT... I cleaned the shower, at least. ;)

Now I'm waiting for Tania to give me her present for her family in Cali. Everything has been set up I think. I have no money changed and no bookings made yet, but I will do this all just-in-time when I arrive at Bogotá airport on Monday at 19:50.

Can't wait... :)

Samstag, 17. Januar 2009


Heute war ich in Graz bei Northland einkaufen mit Tania und Wolfi. Moskitonetz, Moskitosprays, Bandana, auf Jausensackerlgröße zusammenlegbare Regenjacke. Alles in letzter Minute!! Ich war sogar so unkoordiniert, dass ich meine Mutter bitten musste in die Apotheke zu gehen um 5 Packungen Malarone zu besorgen. Außerdem ein kleines Spanisch-Wörterbuch und den Footprint Südamerika Reiseführer - die aktuellste Ausgabe sogar! Und gestern hab ich mit Gustl einen kleinen 1kg-Schlafsack besorgt.

Wenn ich meine Reisecheckliste anschaue, dann hab ich trotzdem immer noch das Gefühl, dass irgendetwas Wichtiges fehlt. Aber das kann ich mir ja in Bogotá auch kaufen. Der Rucksack macht da sicher keine Probleme (hat glaube ich 60 oder 80 Liter). ;)

Morgen ist übrigens Pack-Tag! :)

Freitag, 16. Januar 2009

Los geht's

Hier werde ich laufend über meinen 6-wöchigen Trip mit Philipp durch Kolumbien, Ecuador und Peru berichten. :-)